AC-3 Cleaner

AC-3 is one of the safest and most effective all purpose acid cleaners on the market. Compounded with a comparatively safe acid, strong detergent and solvents to provide a fast 3 way cleaning action. Accidental splashing will not cause skin burns or discomfort, nor will it harmfully effect most masonry surfaces.

AC-3 Acid Cleaner has a pleasant clean odor and dispels no harmful or corrosive fumes.

AC-3 three way cleaning action will penetrate deeply into the surface and will dissolve, dislodge and foam to the surface from easy removal of dirt, oil, grease and scum.

AC-3 Cleaner removes cement drippings and waste from new surfaces. It will also clean and renew old weathered and stained concrete and masonry buildings and prepare the surface to receive weather proof treatment or paint.

AC-3 will remove efflorescence, dirt and rust stains from concrete, ceramic tile, terrazzo, marble, slate, stone and porcelain bath fixtures.

AC-3 may also be used on metal surfaces to remove grease, dirt and oil. Cuts size coating and film. Brightens and cleans off oxidation. Etches and cleans concrete floors for painting.

Since AC-3 contains acid and other strong cleaning agents, it should be used with care. Protect eyes, skin and surrounding areas. User should make a test sample, allowing it to dry thoroughly to determine it's suitability for job conditions and requirements.

Usage Directions
From most surfaces and job conditions AC-3 should be diluted with 1 to 10 parts of water. Always use the mildest solution that can do the job. Tough stains and hardened mortar may require full strength.

First dampen surface with water. Apply AC-3 at proper strength to surface and agitate or scrub with nylon or other acid resistant brush for 2 or 3 minutes or until bubbling action stops. Rinse with clean water, agitate while rinsing. Do not do too large and area at one time, so that the loosened dirt may allowed to settle back or dry. Repeat cleaning operation on stubborn stains as required.

Allow all surfaces to dry before waxing, painting or sealing. Terrazzo must be waxed or sealed as soon as dry.

When clenaing walls start at the bottom and work upward.

One gallon cleans approximately 300 sq. ft., depending on porosity and job conditions.

Product Data Sheet
Product Usage Sheet
MSDS Sheet

Masonry Cleaners

Masonry cleaners, clean cement concrete and stone 960 Rust Remover
Removes rust from masonry.

AC-3 Cleaner
Safety acid cleaner.

Muriatic Acid
20% Professional Grade. Etches Concrete.

Masonry Cleaner 700
Cleans mortar stains off new masonry work.

H.D. 900 Restoration Cleaner
A heavdy duty cleaner for carbon and other stubborn stains.

Area Glossary

That which is built by a mason; anything constructed of the materials used by masons, such as stone, brick, tiles, or the like.

- John used a masonry cleaner to remove the rust stains around the water spigot.
Any of various powdery or scaly reddish-brown or reddish-yellow hydrated ferric oxides formed on iron and iron-containing materials by low-temperature oxidation in the presence of water.

- Water traveled along the pipes leading into the basement causing rust stains to appear on the masonry.
Any of various bonding materials used in masonry, surfacing, and plastering, especially a plastic mixture of cement or lime, sand, and water that hardens in place and is used to bind together bricks or stones.

- The mason determined that the mortar must have been poorly mixed.
Of, pertaining to, or obtained from, sea salt, or from chlorine, one of the constituents of sea salt; hydrochloric.

-Muriatic acid is another name for hydrochloric acid.
A naturally abundant nonmetallic element that occurs in many inorganic and in all organic compounds, exists freely as graphite and diamond and as a constituent of coal, limestone, and petroleum, and is capable of chemical self-bonding to form an enormous number of chemically, biologically, and commercially important molecules.

-Limestone, one of the materials in concrete, contains carbon.
-Masonry cleaners, such as Chargar's Restoration cleaner, can remove carbon stains.
© 2004 Chargar Corporation